Gifted and Talented
Gifted & Talented Services
GT Identification
The GT referral window for school year opens in November. Students in grades K-11 are eligible for GT assessment.
Referrals for gifted testing may be submitted during the month of November to the gifted campus coordinator, and data collection will begin in December. An information video may be located below to address questions regarding the referral process. Starting in November, forms for beginning the gifted referral process will be made available. Please refer to the timeline for the screening process.
To Test or Not to Test?
If the answer is “yes” to any of the above questions, consider referring your child to your campus coordinator for testing.
School Year GT Referral Timeline
November: Referral Window (K-11) Referrals and Permission for those seeking GT testing due to GT Campus Coordinator Submit Referral.
December: Data Collection (K-11) Parent survey and Teacher inventory due; Creativity test proctored.
January/February/March: Data Collection (K-11) Campus Coordinator collects testing data.
February: Kindergarten Screening Deadline (K) Selection committee notifies parent/guardian results of testing; Participation Acceptance forms due before services begin; PEIMS coding changed, as applicable.
March: Screening Committee Meeting (1-11) Selection committee meeting held; notify parent/guardian of screening results; Participation Acceptance forms due before services begin; PEIMS coding changed, as applicable.
Gifted Service Design
A flexible system of viable options that provide a learning continuum is developed throughout the district and reinforces the strengths, needs and interests of gifted and talented students.
SISD practices site-based management. Site-based management allows each school to make decisions about the best way to serve their unique populations. Each school recognizes the importance of serving GT students as a group, allowing GT students to work with other students, and giving GT students the opportunity to work independently.
Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Methods
Special consideration and planning are given to curriculum and instructional delivery for GT students in the Socorro Independent School District. Adjustments to the level, pace, complexity and depth of learning for GT students are planned and implemented in grades K-12. Changes to the processes in which GT children learn allow teachers to work as facilitators in the education of GT students and allow students to become active seekers of knowledge.
Curriculum and instructional delivery methods that are differentiated include independent and/or research projects, simulation studies, learning centers both in and out of the classroom, compacted studies, and student-selected studies. Teachers employ the use of pre-testing and post-testing to determine student readiness and mastery of material in order to offer alternative choices for acceleration and enrichment.
Critical and creative thinking strategies are practiced in classrooms via investigations, questioning strategies, and active discussions. Independent studies, research, and authentic projects and products are all part of the curricular strategies implemented in the Socorro Independent School District. The Socorro Independent School District utilizes the Texas Performance Standards Projects and/or other approved projects at all grade levels.
Additional Opportunities
GT campus coordinators may register their GT students in the regional Team Quest competition hosted by Adventures in Learning. For more information about this academic competition opportunity, visit the Adventures in Learning website.
Gifted & Talented 30 Hour Core Training
The GT core training consists of five 6-hour courses. Teachers must complete the 30 hours by the end of the first semester of teaching to be in compliance with the state plan. Core 1 and 2 are non-negotiable courses and must be completed in their presented form. Core 3 - 5 are available online through TAGT OnDemand and may be replaced with alternate trainings. (See list below.)
For more information email Nancy Franklin.